Hospital Planning & Design

We at Cedara believe that each project is unique in terms of the aspirations of its promoters, its philosophy, its reason to exist, its culture, services and needs. We understand that hospitals have a personality that compliments its physical form. They are unique in the sense that they encompass many intangible aspects in addition to the fundamental requirements of functional needs and aesthetic expression. They are also dynamic as they change, grow and expand responding to the health needs of the community that they exist in.

Our team with diversified expertise in all facets of hospital design and management, work together realizing the aspirations, the values, the culture, and its philosophy that make the project unique, yet compliant with the standards and lean. This approach has resulted in our designs being operationally efficient, economical to build, flexible enough to changing needs that renders itself to future expansion.

We are able to achieve this by blending the creativity that design demands with the rigor of analysis. All our designs are subjected to stringent criteria of design analysis, functional analysis, value engineering and life-cycle calculations before they are presented our clients.

Our wide range of resources and expertise offer comprehensive and one stop shop solutions (incorporating architectural, building and infrastructure engineering, mechanical, electrical and HVACs services) to technically challenging projects and services from planning, construction, commissioning to managing hospital projects.

We aim for enduring partnerships with our clients contributing significantly in delivering quality healthcare.

The following suite of services are available

Facility Planning

  1. Space Plan: facility plan, space planning, work flow analysis; clinical adjacency and requisite architectural brief.
  2. Review architectural drawing for functional aspects and clinical requirements.
  3. Detailed specifications room wise and area wise requirements for infrastructure, furniture, equipment, environment etc. Room data sheets and Room Layout Sheets (loaded drawings)
  4. Bill of Quantities of equipment, plant and machinery.
  5. Engineering service requirement with respect to air quality, zones, sterility, electrical, low current systems, medical gas and central sterile services.


Architectural Design

  1. Site development plan, traffic layout, landscaping.
  2. Prepare building layouts, grid and identify foot print and position of the building.
  3. Develop sections, elevations and design detail for good for construction drawings.
  4. Refine design elements with inputs from structural, mechanical, electrical, plumbing and drainage engineers.
  5. Value Engineering, Optimize design elements and dimensions for economical construction.
  6. Develop bill of quantities to facilitate tendering for construction works.


Interior Design

  1. Interior design incorporating infection control and hygiene elements.
  2. Furniture layout and design
  3. Customized design for functional areas like IP pharmacy, nursing stations, Laboratory etc.
  4. Signage and wayfinding
  5. Healing environments and stress reducing elements in patient areas.

Structural Design

  1. Structural design of facility based on soil test reports and local code rules.
  2. Carry out structural analysis & design work to arrive at most economical solution for the building as per the latest Architectural drawings.
  3. Carry out design of foundations as per the SBC recommendations given in the foundation investigation report and further modify the existing foundations wherever required to suit the architectural plan.
  4. Preparing and submitting structural design and drawings for Client approval
  5. Design detail for RCC work/steel and structural analysis.


MEP Design

  1. Design of HVAC system including special areas such as Operating rooms, Intensive care units etc.
  2. Design of Electrical System as per IEC standards.
  3. Design of low current systems, network, telephony, access control, surveillance, monitoring, fire alarm etc.
  4. Design of Medical Gas System.
  5. Design of Central Sterile Services Systems
  6. Design of laminar flow systems for Operating rooms.
  7. Design of plumbing and drainage systems.
  8. Design for Fire safety system.
  9. Design of nurse call system


Specialist support services

  1. Clean room for IP pharmacy, IVF laboratories.
  2. Modular OT systems, Hybrid OT Systems.
  3. Laundry services design,
  4. Kitchen and Dietetics services design
  5. IT network and systems design
  6. Effluent treatment plant.
  7. Energy management services.
  8. Central Sterile services
  9. Pneumatic Tube Systems
  10. Internal transport system
  11. Internal logistics and material management system, automation for pharmacy
  12. Conferencing facilities with live AV communication from ORs and other areas.

Functional and Operational systems Design

  1. Work flow analysis and mapping for all processes.
  2. Lean Process flow charts with requisite data capture and control opportunities.
  3. Define process inter-relationships
  4. Document standard operating protocols and data capture systems.
  5. Optimize work processes.


Retrofit Building Design

We offer services for evaluating and remodeling existing buildings into hospital facilities, incorporating all elements of lean design. These include full range of engineering services and integration with the existing systems and upgrades.